I had a whole post done earlier today, and when I went to post it I lost it?! I'll give you the Cliff Notes version and call it good, I'm too flu-like to type it all again...
The Patriots lost to the Browns, and that makes no god damn sense. I'm hosting tryouts this weekend, we can put together a better, more consistent bunch, I'm sure of it. Good news is we have the Steelers and Colts coming up...
Lots of celebrities took part in the NYC Marathon this past weekend, including Jared "the Subway dude" Fogle. He was quoted after saying that "If I can do it, anybody can get off the couch and do one to two miles." True, Jared, but that was a dick move, it's going to be much harder for me to get out of running next time Nichole asks. NOT COOL my friend, NOT COOL!
Did you know that the Giants are no longer in New York, they moved to San Francisco? Hell, they even won the World Series. I had no clue! And they have a pitcher that colors his beard and has a mullet. I normally pick up on crap like that, huh.
Speaking of baseball, it's time to talk free agency. The wonderful time of year where baseball teams across the country over pay aging players with diminishing talents. How much will the Yankees overpay Derek Jeter? Who will the Sox get to replace those awful pitchers in the bullpen? Oh, hot stove, time for you to heat up, I've missed you!
Dear NFL Commissioner Roger Godell, stop fining players for hard hits. Unless they are a blatant helmet to helmet hit, stop! Football is a mans sport, and it is meant to be played at 100%. These guys know what they are getting into. Besides, I love seeing moments like those of Brett Favre against the Patriots, where he didn't know his ass from his elbow. Couldn't have happened to a better person. Except maybe that ass hat Eli Manning. What a useless turd that guy is.
Jon Miller and Joe Morgan are out as Sunday Night Baseball announcers on ESPN. If it weren't for Tim McCarver and Joe Buck, Joe Morgan would be the worst announcer alive. I'm very excited to know that I won't fall asleep during every broadcast he does, it will be nice to have someone with a pulse doing the games, hopefully. Now, who do we talk to at Fox to get rid of McCarver and Buck, they are terrible.
The Bowl Championship Series, or BCS for short, is such a crock of shit. Until there is a playoff in college football, I'm not going to take it seriously. I will, however, continue to root against Notre Dame, Florida and Miami, while continuing my allegiance to the Florida State Seminoles, despite many years of mediocrity. Ugh.
This is the sports world according to me, I'm just saying...