Thursday, June 4, 2009
What the hell is Twitter?!
Seriously, what the hell is Twitter? I hear people talking about it all the time, in business meetings, on television, even on Sportscenter each morning. What the hell is everyone talking about? So and so tweeted last night, so I tweeted back. What?! This sounds like the strangest thing ever. My understanding is that it is basically Facebook status updates on steroids, meaning they are a constant update to the masses. It sounds like an online diary for the world to see. The ironic thing is that I am sitting here poking fun at it, while typing a blog for the world to see, seems sort of contradictory, I agree. However, and hear me out, there is one giant difference. I'm not doing something that is called "tweeting". Seriously, that sounds like the gayest thing ever. Blogging sounds manly and tough, as opposed to tweeting, which sounds like something my soon to be seven year old would do with her little girl friends on the playground while pretending to be zoo animals that have escaped or something. Again, I realize that blogging was the precursor to Twitter, and that they surely have a lot of similarities, but this is another time suck (stay tuned for the Marcole dictionary coming soon) that I am going to avoid. I currently have Facebook, this blog and Brickbreaker on the Blackberry that suck enough of my time each day, I don't need to add something called Twitter to that short list, I'm just saying...