Friday, June 19, 2009

OK rain, you can stop now...

The family is heading down to Boston for the weekend tomorrow morning. We are planning on attending, weather permitting, the Life Is Good Festival at Boston Common tomorrow, which is basically a variety of kid's games and activities, with a few music acts mixed in. I'm looking forward to it on two levels, one giving Kerrigan a chance to have a good time, a sort of reward for her amazing grades and comments from her first grade teachers, as well as completing her transformation from a Daisy Scout to a Brownie. She had a good year, and little things like this mean so much to her, so that is very rewarding for Nichole and I too. The other piece is that Brett Dennen is playing. For those of you who don't know who he is, check out his site. He is a great musician, and puts on a great show. I saw him a couple of years back at the Space Gallery, seriously, check him out.

Sunday is all about the Red Sox. We have tickets located right behind the bullpen, and we are planning on getting there early to catch some batting practice and get some good pictures. Here is to hoping the weather cooperates! Now we are into the swing of summer, despite what the weather tells us, we are also in the midst of 8 consecutive weekends of running around. I sure do wish summer lasted longer so we could take a few weekends just to relax. I love running around and playing, but a little beach time would be great, I'm just saying...