As many of you faithful readers know, my father was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. We got the word the Tuesday before Christmas, and I really struggled with how to deal with it. I don't know much about cancer, but I know that any time you can associate that word with someone, it's not something I want to mess with. I also know that seeing my father in anything but a position of power is hard for me to deal with. I remember back when I was younger, and my father had his gallbladder removed. I cried so hard seeing him slowly walk around the hospital in his johnny. My dad is, and always will be, a big, strong man. Seeing him in pain is really hard for me to handle.
Well, yesterday was the day he was going in to have his prostate removed. I was anxious, and nervous for this day. We would know more once the surgeon opened dad up and looked around. Up to this point, we knew very little. We knew that they found cancerous cells on his prostate, but we didn't know if his lymph nodes were affected, or if the cancer had spread. We got to spend some time with dad before they knocked him out and wheeled him off, and then spent the rest of the day in the waiting room. Four hours felt more like twenty four hours, but, finally, the surgeon came into the waiting room. His face had me bracing for the worst possible news, but his words were the very opposite. I was originally filled with mixed emotions, until I was able to process what he actually said to us. Everything came back fine, his prostate was removed, his lymph nodes were fine, and he was in good shape! We collectively jumped out of our seats with humongous smiles on our faces. What a relief!
I know that many of you have gone through similar situations with family members, but I have one, very important thing to say to you all. We have the greatest family and friends in the world! We didn't say a whole lot publicly, having very little time between finding out and the surgery itself, but you all had us overwhelmed by your kind words and prayers. I got messages from all sorts of people, from parent's of high school friends, to co-workers from former employers. I am eternally grateful for how amazing all of you are. I truly believe that between the strength of my amazing father, and the wonderful words and positive vibes you sent his way, he was able to kick cancer's ass! Thank you all for being the greatest friends and family a guy could ever ask for! I'm just saying...