One could argue that the media makes something out of nothing on a regular basis. I mean, they want viewership, they need to have something interesting to put out there. Granted, they report on actual news from time to time, but it's usually garbage that they sell to us as stories. Well, in scouring the web, I've come across some stories, some may be newsworthy, others are not, but they caught my attention for one reason or another. Here you go...
U.S. Olympian Johnny Weir discloses his sexual orientation in his new book, and guess what, he's gay! Who would have thought that this over the top, completely flamboyant, male figure skater would turn out to be gay. I, for one, am completely shocked! Seriously though, he came out, officially, in hopes that his story would inspire others. I am hopeful that this news will inspire Ryan Seacrest to finally come out of the closet as well...
Hundreds of birds fell to the ground, dead, in Arkansas. 150 tons of red tilapia are found in Vietnam. 40,000 crabs washed up, dead, on shore in the UK. Two million fish found dead on Maryland coast. Holy crap, the Mayans were wrong, the world is ending in 2011, not 2012! Everybody prepare yourself! Oh, wait, what's that, this sort of thing is actually normal, it just goes undetected. Oh, and fFederal records show they happen on average every other day somewhere in North America. Usually, we don't notice them and don't try to link them to each other. Damnit, I guess I'll have to calm down, for now anyways...
Deena, the newest member of the Jersey Shore house gets in a fight, almost as soon as she walks in the door. Let me be the first to say, I don't watch this garbage, and I really dont' give a rat's ass. If you do, I'm sorry. No, actually, I'm not. I enjoy my fair share of mindless television, but this show may actually contribute to the lowering of your intelligence and cause you to act like a douche. Of course, that is not proven, but I'm confident that it will one day be true. I'm hoping to one day be elected to Congress so I can introduce a bill that will fund the study. Hey, we all have to have a dream to make a dream come true.
House Speaker, John Boehner, on smoking: "I am who I am". That's right Johnny circus peanut, you tell 'em! Look, just because he thinks that President Obama should quit smoking, doesn't mean he should have to. Do I need to remind you again that Republicans are exempt from all the things they criticize Democrats for? Come on people, you should know better by now. Plus, I think we need to leave John boy alone, he may end up crying again, and his poor tear ducts can't handle that much activity!
Like I said earlier, some things are newsworthy, others are deemed newsworthy by the media, and we are forced into hearing about it 24/7. Here's hoping you all sit at home all weekend and soak all this amazing "news" in! I'm just saying...