Conspiracy theories, they are always popping up out there. A celebrity passes away, someone thinks it was set up. A sports team wins a championship, it must have been the leagues doing. The list goes on and on. I have put together a handful of conspiracy theories I find interesting, either because I may possibly believe them, or I just feel like making fun of them! Here we go...
1. JFK assassination. There are a large number of theories to what really happened on November 22, 1963 in Dallas. They range from mafia members being involved to a plot by Lyndon Johnson and the CIA, and everything in between. Now, I'm not going to say it wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald, I'll just say I think there may have been more involvement than that. Anytime something like that happens, it's not just some whack job hiding in a building. There is usually more people involved than that, and more often than not, the gunmen isn't the mastermind, he is just the fall guy, the one willing to take the shot and the wrap for someone else. Plus, like must government follow up work, the Warren Commission's (the commission on the assassination of JFK) report was full of holes and flaws. I think there is more to this story...
2. Global Warming. Let's admit it, back when it was first brought up back in 1990, we thought it was crazy. I mean, why can't we just constantly pollute the air with aerosols and carbon monoxide, toss batteries into the rivers and streams and drive Hummers? What is the harm in that? Oh, right, these are bad for the ozone layer and a waste of natural resources. Why would we ever want to use clean energy sources and drive hybrid vehicles? Are you trying to tell me that using compact fluorescent light bulbs instead of traditional ones would create less waste in trash collecting facilities, causing less need for dump trucks and other heavy machinery, therefore less emissions. Oh, and let's just ignore the fact that Portland, Maine has little to no snow on February 18th and that the polar ice cap is melting. And lastly, let's not let scientific research stand in our way of reality either...
3. The NBA wants Boston, L.A., Chicago and NY to win every year. Now, on the one hand, it makes some sense. I mean, the four largest sports markets in the US, ratings would be through the roof. On the other hand, let's look at it a little closer. The Knicks are terrible. They have been for years. Before that, the Celtics were god awful through the 90's. I mean, they sucked, it was painful to be a fan of theirs. The Bulls have been pretty poor since Jordan left town. There were some pretty lean years in L.A. before Kobe and Shaq got them back in business, and let's not even get started on the Clippers, they have never been good. Could it just be that while the Celtics and Lakers have had good teams over the years, it is merely because team management knows what they are doing? Could they have benefited from some of the greatest coaches in the history of the game? Have they not had a good combination of the greatest players to ever play? While I think that the NBA would never complain if any or all of the big 4 were in it at the end each year, there is not something going on behind the scenes to make it happen. If so, I would like David Stern to make some things happen for my Celtics, please!
2. The Patriots winning Super Bowl XXXVI, back on February 3rd of 2002. Why you ask? Well, it was shortly after the September 11th attacks, and the US was at it's patriotic peak at this time. You couldn't find an American flag at stores, they were all sold out. You saw flags hanging from every home, car and business. Red, white and blue fever was sweeping the nation, and what colors do our beloved football team from New England wear? That's right, you are quick! Now, what is the team name again? Oh, Patriots. Nothing more perfect than seeing Patriot Pete carrying the American flag! However, to suggest that Tom Brady and company didn't win it fair and square is a pile of poop. Or maybe I'm just a homer...
1. Speaking of September 11th. What happened on September 11th, 2001, was one of the most horrific events that has ever happened during my 30 years on this planet. I'll never forget where I was when it all took place, and I'll always remember the way I felt, and how everyone reacted after. However, it took all of about one hour for people to start questioning things. Starting with the collapse of the first tower. Then the collapse of the second tower, and then Tower 7. Have you ever looked at it, like really watched it happen? At the time, it was terrifying, we were too caught up in shock to really see what had happened. Does a building, burning in the middle, up towards the top, crumble on top of itself like that? And then it happened again and again. A total of three times in the history of recorded events this has happened, all three on that day in New York City. Now, I'm not pointing my finger at anyone in particular, but I for one think that a full investigation should be done. That has already happened you say. Right, I know. This time I would suggest it is done by someone that has no ties to the government. Someone that doesn't have a father that is up for re-election, or a brother that is an elected official. If you really look at things, a lot of pieces of critical info was overlooked, a lot of things have gone unexplained, and a lot of people are left with unanswered questions. I'm just saying...