Monday, February 22, 2010

Eat, drink and be merry, but don't forget to stop at some point!

The Eagle's Deli in Boston has a variety of eating challenges. I threatened to try one on for size on Saturday, then I chickened right the hell out! Upon walking into the deli, I read the sign, saw the lines of people, and felt my testicles, and all their fortitude, shrivel right up and beg me not to try it. I completely wimped out, like a freaking coward! Now, keep in mind, the big burger challenge is 5 pounds of burger, 20 slices of cheese, 20 strips of bacon and 5 pounds of fries, so it was a pretty damn big challenge. However, there were other challenge options, of smaller stature, and I still didn't try one. I vow to start with the smaller challenge the next time I go down, and attempt to work my way up to the biggie. I can't walk away with my tail between my legs twice!

Also on Saturday was the big Extreme Beer Summit, where beers of many varying varieties were on display. I tried a bacon flavored brew called "Oink Oink", a caramel apple beer name, well, Caramel Apple Beer, and had several delicious creations from Dogfish Head Brewery out of Randall, a flavor infusing contraption they came up with years ago. This brew fest wasn't like others we have been to. For starters there were no tickets. You were given a four ounce plastic cup and could drink as much as your heart desired, and we did just that. With a name like Extreme Beer Summit, you expect beers well over 10% aplenty. Not really the case, though there were some big boys, including the Sam Adams Utopia (which was gone before I got a chance to try it). It was named Extreme more for the use of ingredients, the flavors and the taste. Potato Maple Porter was one of my favorites, coming in just behind Hop Stupid, out of a small brewery in California named Lagunitas. All in all, lots of great beers, a handful of brews I wouldn't drink with someone elses taste buds, and a lot of fun. Well worth waiting out in the cold for 30 minutes for.

Also had my first Sonic Drive-In experience yesterday. I like the concept behind it, old school drive in meets modern fast food chain. We pulled up to our bay and ordered, what seemed like, enough food to feed a ship of people. Within five minutes a girl on roller skates was standing there with a giant tray of burgers, tater tots and milkshakes. Impressive. The food, less than stellar. I expected a little more flavor in my jalapeno burger, but it is still fast food after all. The milkshake, a peanut butter fudge concoction, was excellent. All in all, a cool place, and a great fix for a hangover.

Great weekend of eating and drinking with the Flynn's. We overindulged on a little bit of everything, and now it is time to walk away from the table and hit the gym, my pants are begging me! I'm just saying...