So there comes a time in every man's life where he needs to decide if it is time to get rid of his wife's cat that pisses all over the house or not. I mean, this is a completely common situation, right? All of my friends have cats that piss all over, don't they? What's that, no, we are the only people that have a cat that can't control his damn bladder?! Oh, that's right, our cat, you know, the one that nobody likes, has decided that a litter box is something he has no time for. I mean, just this morning he pissed all over the hallway floor, right in front of our bedroom door.
Now, I know what most of you are thinking, open the door and let him go. I wish it were that easy, believe me! The black devil cat is one of our pets, despite his desire to make the house smell horrible, he is a part of our home. Well then, you say, why don't you bring him to a shelter for somebody to adopt. Ok then, you tell me how that would work out. For any of you that have been to our house before, you know how that little bastard acts! He would just scream and swing at people, never get adopted, and most likely get put down, assuming anyone could get close enough to him. Truth be told, they would probably have to stick him with a blow dart from across the room to knock him out. I don't know how I feel about that, despite the fact that I want to punt him out the front door right now.
We have an appointment with the vet tonight, to give them a sample of his urine (which he conveniently splashed all over the floor for us this morning) and discuss what we can do with Tamazi. Nichole and I are really at a loss as to what we should do. Our frustration level is through the roof, and we are unsure what to do next. Any thoughts? I feel bad saying this, but I am pretty sure he wouldn't be missed too bad by anybody really. I'm just saying...