Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Some things that annoy me would be...

I have been known to get a little worked up on here from time to time. To me, that is alright. It's better for me to get out my anger on here, than, say, punch MPBN reporter AJ Higgins, right? Anyways, here are a few things that are getting me all worked up today...

SunChips are getting rid of their biodegradable bags because customers are complaining that they are too loud. Now, I realize that, as a company that provides a product, it is smart to listen to your customers wants, and as the old saying goes, the customer is always right. Bullshit, they are wrong in this case. Let's ignore the environmental impact because the bag is loud?! Now I can't sneak some without my wife knowing, boohoo. I'm sorry, but bring on the noisy bag, especially if it means less waste in the landfills.

Randy Moss is traded from the New England Patriots to the Minnesota Vikings. Now, that in itself doesn't have me worked up. I mean, I am a bit in shock, I really like Randy Moss, and think he adds a good amount to the offense by opening up the field. His numbers are down this year, and he is unhappy, which we know can spell disaster for Randy, he's done it before in Oakland. What I am worked up about is the New England fans that are now trashing Moss. Through a measly four games, his numbers are down, when compared to past seasons. Moss is a sure fire Hall of Famer. He is still, even at the age of 33, a feared receiver in the NFL. He is always a deep threat and will always get the attention of the best cornerbacks as well as double teams. He opens up the middle of the field for Wes Welker and the rookie tight ends. Fair enough, he didn't help bring a championship to New England, but let's not forget that we just traded one of the best wide receivers of all time away from the team. Let's just hope this doesn't have a negative impact on the offense going forward.

Did you know that nearly 3000 millionaires claimed unemployment benefits in the year 2008? That's right, millionaires filed for unemployment. 2840 of them to be exact. Now, I understand that unemployment benefits are there for anyone that loses their job. I get that. But really? I mean, with so many people on unemployment, and still struggling to pay their bills, it's kind of a slap in the face knowing that millionaires are filing for unemployment compensation as well. Remember, these are the same people enjoying big tax breaks. But no, let's all feel bad for the rich people. Jealous? Maybe, but I still think there should be some sort of cap on who can claim unemployment benefits.

By now, I'm sure you have heard about this church full of idiots that is protesting outside of funerals of fallen soldiers. Talk about the lowest form of scum. They formed protests outside of the funeral of Lance Cpl Matthew Snyder, holding signs that said "Thank God for Dead Soldiers", "You're Going to Hell" and "God Hates the USA." He was killed in a Humvee accident in 2006, and has absolutely no connection to these whackos. Now, the Supreme Court is having a hard time deciding what, if anything, they can do about it. What they are doing is, technically, protected under the First Amendment. What they are doing is also, in my opinion, one of the most ignorant things they could do. I'm getting really sick of people, all of a sudden, using the Constitution to argue their case, especially when they are using it for harm, not good.

These are just a few of the contributing factors to my higher-than-it-should-be blood pressure right now. Of course, the Nick Lachey Burger from Eagle's Deli in Boston surely didn't help my cause, but that is not the point. Now, if the Yankees can lose in the first round, the Miami Heat fall flat on their collective faces and U2 never put out another album, I will be feeling much better! I'm just saying...