I realize I said I would be telling stories about the time I had dinner with Oprah Winfrey and Magic Johnson at the Texas Roadhouse in Bangor, but I may have gotten a little carried away. What actually happened was I had lunch at Joe's New York Slice Bar on Fore Street and saw Oprah Winfrey on a commercial and a story about Magic Johnson on Sportscenter. Not exactly the same, but since you are here, you might as well continue on...
So, let's see. I was out of work on Monday, did something to my leg playing softball on Sunday. Felt fine during and after the game. Cleaned it up, and went to bed as if nothing ever happened. Slept about 2 hours all night Sunday night, couldn't get comfy. Woke up Monday morning and almost fell on my face. My leg was not working at all, and it hurt REALLY bad. Well, it wasn't any better on Tuesday or Wednesday, in fact, it may have been getting worse. At this rate, I was fearful that I was gonna be just like LT. Dan from Forest Gump in about a week! Fortunately, I went to the doctor yesterday and I was told I just pulled some muscles and ligaments a little more than they are used to, so I've got some bruising and swelling, but no major damage. I'm on the DL for a couple of weeks, but that is much better than I was fearing!
Plans for a Muslim Cultural Center, housing a 500-seat performing arts center, a lecture hall, an exhibition space, a swimming pool, a gym, a culinary school, a restaurant and a prayer space for Muslims, located 2 blocks from Ground Zero, has gone from just a local New York City issue to one that even my favorite Alaskan feels she needs to comment on. Not only did she comment on something that has absolutely nothing to do with her (shocker), she also made up a couple of new words in the process. Then, to make matters worse for the one time VP hopeful, she tweets this gem, “‘Refudiate,’ ‘misunderestimate,’ ‘wee-wee’d up.’ English is a living language. Shakespeare liked to coin new words too. Got to celebrate it!” Wait, did she just compare herself to William freaking Shakespeare? Holy hell, I've heard it all now!
We are now over 90 days into this BP oil spill disaster, and we still have a mess on our hands. I don't see how anyone other than BP is responsible for this. You can blame the government all you want, but who has lied all along the way about action plans in case of disasters, or how much oil was actually coming out of this freaking hole, or even photoshopped pictures so things would look better than they actually are? That's right, BP needs to make this all right. They need to clean up every beach, every animal, everything. They need to reimburse all the hard working fishermen that has been out of work. They need to make this right. Then, after they have cleaned, fixed and repaired everything and everyone, then the fun starts. We find every person responsible at BP and cover them in oil. We give them a chance to clean themselves, but all we give them is scouring pads and rubbing alcohol. Then we give them a wedgie and steal their lunch money. Jerks! I'm so upset that this is still going on and so many people and animals are suffering because of it.
It looks as though the millions of people that have been without their unemployment benefits may finally get the help they need, despite the Republicans resisting to extend the benefits. The argument is that we have no money to pay for it, which is absolutely true, you can't argue that. However, taking away what little income people have while they struggle to find new work isn't helping anybody, if anything, it will only be another thing to keep this recession going. The very same Republican party voted 4 times during GW Bush's term to extend unemployment benefits, also during a time when we were face to face with a budget deficit. At this point there is no way one side will agree with the other, no matter what the issue is. If the right wants it, the left will say no, and if the left thinks it is a good thing, you can bet your sweet ass the right will completely disagree. How the hell, as a nation, the greatest nation in the world, are we ever going to accomplish anything if we go about it with a god damn 8 year old's mentality. I think it is time for some new blood (not crazy blood, we don't need any Tea Partiers in there, that's just scary)! If that isn't the answer, then I think we need to head into the chambers next time they are in full session and whip out some tazers and get everyone to get their shit together real quick. We are the best nation in the world and it is about damn time we start acting like it. We have become a joke to everyone else, and that needs to stop, today!
These are just a few of the things on my mind today. Being home on Monday gave me the chance to watch some new tv, and it got me all fired up! Perhaps I should watch soap operas next time I'm home, or get the hell out of the house! I'm just saying...