Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Right idea, wrong approach...

Immigration reform, it's the big topic up for debate right now. It's being covered by all the mainstream media, and it has people pretty riled up. People on both the right and the left want to do something about illegal immigrants coming into this country. However, both sides don't see eye to eye when it comes to a solution (insert shocked face here). This subject has been an issue for years, but now it is all Obama's fault that nothing has been done. Forget the fact that nothing was done before him. Well, Arizona got tired of waiting for the federal government to do something, they took matters into their own hands. In my opinion, the resolution they came up with is completely flawed, and will cause more harm than good.

Jan Brewer, Arizona's governor signed into law a bill that would require police to ask for immigration papers from anyone whom they have a "reasonable suspicion" might be in the country illegally. Law-enforcement officials are also empowered to detain anyone they hold in such suspicion. Cool, let's pass a bill that encourages racial profiling. That should turn out well, right?! For those of you who ask what is so wrong with racial profiling, let me tell you what I think is wrong with it. We are a country that has worked extremely hard to end racial hate and prejudice. This bill takes us a step backwards as a nation, and invites us to once again pull over or question people solely based on race. Not to mention the aggravation that will be felt by the countless number of legal US citizens that will be questioned, or possibly detained, over something simple like forgetting your wallet at home.

Perhaps a different approach would be to reach out to government officials in Mexico and work together on some sort of plan that would drastically reduce or eliminate future illegal immigrants from crossing over the border via underground tunnels or in the trunk of a beat up old car. I'm cool with investing in the construction of a giant wall that lines the US / Mexico border and cover it with armed snipers. I am also cool with deporting anyone back to where they came from if pulled over at a road block and are undocumented or arrested due to committing an actual crime. Hell, I'm cool with checking in with business owners, ensuring all their employees are properly documented and accounted for.

I admit, I don't have the answers for what to do, but I do know that what is being done in Arizona is "unacceptable and un-American" (to quote a Republican). What do you guys think, did Arizona do the right thing, or are they going to cause more harm than good? I see this getting messy. I'm just saying...