Oh, Beach to Beacon, you have become my nemesis. Last year, despite what some people think, I hurt myself playing softball about two months before the race and was unable to compete in it. This year, the smack talk from the ladies has already started, and my best pal Eric is running, so I plan on not only running, but doing well. I've also found out that a certain Junior is running the race, which REALLY makes me want to do well now. In other words, I have no excuses. Right?
Well, I have not started training yet. In fact, I spent the better part of the winter eating my way to coach potato status. So, as last weekend came and went, the better half and I decided it was time to cut the shit, and the lbs, and start down the road of, dare I say it, good health. We have put ourselves on a strict diet of nothing but fruits, vegetables and high protein lean meats. Our idea is to lose some weight first, then start running and adding more proteins and carbs then, but in complete moderation. So far, I've actually seen the scale seem a little stressed out when I step on her in the morning. In turn, she has been nicer to me. It's amazing what happens when we eat better!
Now, for those of you that now me, I'm not a big fruit and veggie person. My idea of a light, healthy snack is chocolate covered bacon. Now, before you say anything, I would only have one piece, and the chocolate would have to be dark, obviously. See, it's not so bad. Except, I hear that it actually is bad. This new diet has me feeling really good so far, and we are only 3 days in. Do I spend half of the day convincing myself to eat that orange sitting on my desk, I sure do. Does it taste good when I actually eat it? You bet! For me, it is completely mind over matter. I'm a major sweet tooth person. This will be tough, especially knowing we have a half dozen boxes of brand new Girl Scout cookies in the cupboard, but I'm fully on board with this new plan. I'm quickly learning that as I get older, my metabolism is slowing down, and that doesn't bode well for my continued plan of seeing my toes.
Now, as a quick warning to everyone out there, if you find me with a short fuse, I can explain. I'm probably hungry. If this happens, just throw an apple or a handful of strawberries in my mouth and tell me to shut up. If that doesn't work, remind me that my old way of doing things causes a major case of Dicky-Do! I'm just saying...