Thursday, June 9, 2011

Double standard for dispicable acts...

To start, New York Representative Anthony Weiner was my favorite politician.  I love his passion.  I love his interviews.  I love his sarcasm.  However, finding out about his growing list of indiscretions has been a bit sad for me.  Do I think politicians are perfect?  No, I know better than that.  Too many of these elected officials feel they are invincible.  That being said, I'm really bummed out by all this news.  I'm sure this is far from over, as more women are coming forward, detailing Twitter, Facebook and text message conversations they have had with my (former) favorite Democrat. 

Now, I am not going to sit here and defend anything Rep Weiner has done, these actions are not cool.  However, what I am going to do is point out something I find fascinating, and I'm anxious to hear from you out there.  According to Rep Weiner, he never had any physical relationships, just a lot of sex talk via various social media outlets.  This may turn out to be a lie, as he has already lied, so this could get much worse.  Rightfully so, many Democrats, and I'm pretty sure all Republicans, are calling on Rep Weiner to step down.  I'm not here to say whether he should or not, I feel that is up to him.  If I were him, I'd do a poll of my constituents and see where they stand on it.  If a majority of them still support him, I'd say stick with it.  If it turns out they don't support him, I'd walk away. 

Where am I going with all of this?  Let me start by pointing something out, as it seems many people have short term memory.  David Vitter, a Republican Senator from Louisiana, got himself in all sorts of trouble back in 2007 when he got caught up in a prostitution ring.  He had himself a madam in both DC as well as back in New Orleans.  When it all went down, Republicans offered nationwide support for him, mainly because they feared that the Democratic Governor of LA at that time would appoint a Democrat in his place.  Let me say that again, Senator David Vitter, married with 4 children, actually got caught having sexual relationships with prostitutes, and he was not pressured to resign.  He was supported.  I need help understanding how this works. 

So I ask this, why the double standard?  If one is wrong, they both are wrong, right?  Or, if one man who committed horrible acts against his wife and family is not pressured to resign, why should another, just because they are from a different political party?  I do not condone what either man has done, and I'm anxious for the day when these fools stop thinking they are above everyone else and leave their private parts covered up.  If I'm a Republican, I can have sex with a hooker and it's totally fine, but god forbid I send a pic of my junk if I'm a Democrat?!  Let's try something here.  From now on, let's ignore what party they are from and be consistent with our judgement, whether it's support or anger.  I am well aware that with the two party system, politicians will fight like cats and dogs, but let's not forget that the rules are the same for everyone.  I'm just saying...